Don't miss early bird registration discount. today is the last date for early bird registration.
Hurry up......
For registration go through the below link:

Don't miss early bird dates. Early bird dates are going to be close on October 30th, 2017.
Register as early as possible and utilize the early bird benefits.
For more details go through the below link:

#Work _Shop:
#Evidence #Based #Guidelines using the #ADAPTE framework (developed by Guidelines International Network) from existing national and #international#guidelines
March 12th, 2018 At Singapore
#Holiday Inn #Singapore Atrum
317 outram road Singapore 169075
Hurry up...
Few #discount slots are available.
For more details contact me through face book or email
#Healthcare #Asia #Pacific 2018
March 12-14, 2018 #Singapore
#Holiday #Inn #Singapore #Atrium
317 outram road Singapore 169075
#Theme: In Pursuit of High Quality Public Health and Health Care
For abstract submission go through the link:
#Healthcare #Asia #Pacific 2018
March 12-14, 2018 #Singapore
#Holiday #Inn #Singapore #Atrium
317 outram road Singapore 169075
#Theme: In Pursuit of High Quality Public Health and Health Care
For abstract submission go through the link:

workshop at Healthcare Asia Pacific 2018

#workshop: Evidence Based Guidelines using the #ADAPTE framework (developed by Guidelines International Network) from existing #national and #international guidelines
date: 12th March, 2018 at Singapore 
for more details contact me through mail

Prevent depression in pregnancy to boost all mental health

Healthcare Asia Pacific 2020 | January 27-28, 2020 | Bangkok, Thailand Prevent depression in pregnancy to boost all mental health Tackli...