Healthcare Asia Pacific 2019 | May 8-9, 2019 | Tokyo, Japan
Special session on #Infectious, #Chronic #Diseases and #Prevention
Special session on #Infectious, #Chronic #Diseases and #Prevention
Chronic Diseases are long-term medical conditions that are generally progressive. Chronic diseases, such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Asthma, Cancer, Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Lipid Disorders. At present, these are the major causes of disability and death globally, representing 60% of all deaths. Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear. Health damages behaviors - particularly tobacco use, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits - are major contributors to the leading chronic diseases. Chronic diseases tend to become more common with age. Adopting healthy lifestyle practices such as a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or control the onset of debilitating and expensive complications of chronic diseases.
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